Author's posts

Jetty maxFormContentSizeJetty not working? Here’s the fix

People are generally prescribing something like this to configure maxFormContentSize for jetty in the jetty.xml: In my experience, in 2024 with a recent version of jetty (9.4.53), this isn’t working inside apache’s karaf or in embedded mode within maven, and may not be working in other containers as well.

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Amazon Photos & Cloud Backup In General Sucks

What’s the point of making a website / blog / LLC / career and building up a modicum of a following if you’re not going to use it as a forum for shitposting once in a while? Right? Right. I wouldn’t post something as stupid as this if it was possible to actually post something …

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Coronavirus Simulator

It seems that a lot of people don’t understand the purpose of flattening the curve with quarantine. I’ve made a crude simulator that demonstrates hospital resource exhaustion if the number of cases continues to grow at the current rate (25% per day as of March 22, 2020). Check it out:

Coronavirus Resources Page

Yeah, I’m worried / confused about all of this coronavirus stuff too. To that end, I’ve started collecting some useful links and information here, in Jason’s Coronavirus Page.

Vintage Computer Software Resources In 2020

I’ve recently dived into collecting vintage computing hardware. Vintage software is somewhat hard to find these days, especially old boot disks and OS installation CDs. I found the following resources while reviving an old IBM Aptiva 2134 Pentium-era machine:

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Collecting Vintage Computer Hardware In 2020

I recently purchase and Aptiva 2134 from a vintage computer collector on Facebook Marketplace in an effort to fully immerse myself in Windows 9x nostalgia while writing a book. The 2134 is a Windows 95 era machine produced in 1996 that sports a 120mhz Pentium processor, 96MB of ram, three ISA slots, an on-board graphics …

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Wicket 7 Debug Bar Empty? Add a DebugBarInitializer to your app.

In Wicket 7.12.0, adding a DebugBar to your page will result in an empty / useless debug bar if you don’t add a DebugBarInitializer to your app. Hopefully this will be documented by the wicket project in the future, but it isn’t right now.

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Java HashMap.hashCode() Not Unique With String Keys And Values

Java’s HashMap (AbstractMap really) hashCode() implementation sums the hash codes of its entries rather than multiplies them by a prime number like String.hashCode() does. This can cause weird collisions in very similar maps.

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Good news: I survived. Life’s much better now than the last time we spoke. Thanks for asking. Also good news: I’m cleaning up the site / blog a bit, trying to bring it up to at least a 2012 fashionable look, and I’ve been working on a fun book.

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Trash Bird Fix

Haven’t posted in a while, mostly because my life has been a complete fucking wreck for the past year or so. Anyway. I fixed the trash bird with a chrome extension.

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