Author's posts

Music To Code By, 2014

Previous years: 2013 2012 2011 Standard Disclaimer: I’m a fan of post rock, electronic music, and alt rock. To me, the best album ever is Siamese Dream by the Smashing Pumpkins, and my current favorite record is either 65daysofstatic’s Wild Light or BT’s These Hopeful Machines. I like to listen to albums all the way …

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Minecraft – A Software Engineer’s Experience Part 3

You should start at the beginning: Minecraft – A Software Engineer’s Experience Part 1 I started playing Minecraft early this past August. What started as an innocent and fascinating experience in a “real world” simulator eventually took a turn. I spent about a month happy as could be with an extremely limited world view: break …

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Minecraft – A Software Engineer’s Experience Part 2

First, you should probably read Minecraft – A Software Engineer’s Experience Part 1. August of this past year is a blur to me – a month remembered in terms of Minecraft. I spent the entire month enthralled with the possibilities the open-ended game allowed, playing most evenings and weekends, habitually. Early on in the game …

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Minecraft – A Software Engineer’s Experience Part 1

After years of pestering, my friend Justin convinced me to try Minecraft one evening this past summer. That was early in August. Thanks to Justin, I do not remember August, September, or October of 2014 in terms of real life – I remember these months of my life in terms of Minecraft. — That first …

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Pikmin – The Video Game Interview Question

For the past decade and a half, Pikmin has been my most favorite game of all time. As a software engineer with an affinity for automation, tooling, and efficiency – Pikmin struck a chord with me like no other game had before. Pikmin is a unique twist on real time strategy games (such as the …

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Cats and Dogs

My wife is a cat person. I am a dog person. I do not understand why my wife is a cat person. Why be a cat person, right? Cats are neurotic, fiercely independent, super picky, indifferent to your existence, jerkface assholes. Agreed? Good. Dogs on the other hand are sweet, pleasant and so damn simple. …

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Codes well, struggles with being an adult.

When I was younger, I promised myself I’d never turn out like my parents and their always-frustrated, always-busy, sad circle of friends, and yet.. — When my grandfather was coming to town, he would mail a copy of a heavily detailed itinerary to everyone in Texas. He grew up in Texas, had his family in …

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Link Dump – Feb 2014

A few months ago, I discovered Raymond Chen‘s occasional Link Clearance posts. I decided I’m going to do a similar style post once in a while, to clean out the ever-growing stash of “must-read!” bookmarks. Many of my links are from hacker news, or boing boing, some other news source, or friend, naturally. WHAT SUCCESSFUL …

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The Fall From Grace (Life & Career Lessons, 2013)

2013, for me, sucked. The overly-simplistic way to summarize would be to say that I simply made a bad career move. It’s more than that, though. The person I had become leading into 2013 was not who I want to be – to be clear, I did not say it’s not who I wanted to …

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Music To Code By, 2013

It’s that time of the year again. For more great music, check out the previous ‘Music To Code By’ posts from 2011 and 2012. It seems this year, soundcloud really became a thing. In previous years I’ve had to link to Amazon mostly for 30 second clips at best. This year, links below are actually …

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