Category: IOS Product Development – automatically create/resize @2x and non-@2x images for IOS

TumbleOn Code

We’ve open sourced a variety of IOS Utilities and published them to our tumbleon-utils project over on bitbucket. All code is licensed with the Apache license, which like BSD or MIT, is a non-viral non-complicated license. Utilities included in tumbleon-utils: FileUtil – file IO and filename related utilities FrameUtils & UIView+FrameUtils – simplifies CGRect frame …

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IOS Autorotation Hell: Bad or wrong view position offsets after rotation

IOS reminds me of IE

Users aren’t stupid, your UI is.

tl;dr; version: Get your head out of your ass, stop adding complex features that 90% of the world won’t care for. Instead, learn to stop, breathe, and make your software products simple by focusing on usability consistently. Users aren’t stupid, your UI is. In a big bad world of federated software product development, Usability is …

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Making objective-c blocks synchronous

Many IOS libraries require you to do things asynchronously. Some of the better libraries provide both asynchronous and synchronous models to work with, but some do not. IOS’ ALAssetLibrary is a good example of a library providing only asynchronous processing. The ALAssetLibrary allows you to fetch images, videos, and the like from a user’s camera …

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App store rejection for immediate crash

One of the apps I work on, TumbleOn, had a new version of the app rejected during review because it “crashed immediately”. The troublesome part with the rejection was, we couldn’t reproduce it. Every device we could find and hook up to xcode would run the app beautifully. If you’re experiencing a similar problem, the …

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FrameUtils – Objective-C Frame Utilities

WIJL: IOS Memory Management Part 2

WIJL: IOS Memory Management