Category: What I Just Learned

Oh, Google just turned my iPod touch into a free wifi phone

Today I noticed that Google turned my iPod touch into a free wifi phone. That’s nice of them. To turn your iOS device into a free wifi phone. Simply create a Google Voice #, and install the Google Voice and Google Hangouts apps on your device. You’ll be able to send and receive text messages …

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IOS 6 app store crash on your iPod touch 4? Restore.

For weeks the app store has crashed constantly on my iPod Touch 4th gen after the over-the-air IOS 6 update. Restoring the iTouch to a fresh install of 6.0 on iTunes fixed the problem and now the app store works better, not perfect, but better. Symptoms: I would search for something, and swiping left or …

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IOS reminds me of IE

Making objective-c blocks synchronous

Many IOS libraries require you to do things asynchronously. Some of the better libraries provide both asynchronous and synchronous models to work with, but some do not. IOS’ ALAssetLibrary is a good example of a library providing only asynchronous processing. The ALAssetLibrary allows you to fetch images, videos, and the like from a user’s camera …

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TortoiseSVN not importing some files? Fix your permissions.

Beware zombies w/ ARC.

WIJL: IOS Memory Management Part 2

WIJL: IOS Memory Management